To wrap up Season 2, hosts James Hayes and Sarah Rodenberg talk about What’s Good with the Movement in Palestine in this special two-part conversation. In Part 2: Student Edition, we talk with Jineen Musa, Laila Shaikh, and Ahmed Amrou about their experiences with the growing student protest movement for a free Palestine.
Jineen, Laila, and Ahmed are all part of Students for Justice in Palestine.
The students speak about the OSU encampment on April 25 that resulted in arrests.
Learn more about The Palestine Exception
Wisam Rafeedie’s book The Trinity of Fundamentals
Follow the students and keep up with their work: SJP OSU, SJP UC, SJP at UToledo
Listen to Part 1 with Shereen Naser and Noelle Naser about Palestine organizing in Cleveland.
What’s Good Ohio is a production of Ohio Voice and Policy Matters Ohio. Hosted by James Hayes and Sarah Rodenberg. Produced by Angela Lin, with production support from Ben Stein. Editing and engineering courtesy of Shawn Carter at Breakthrough Sounds Recording Studio in Cleveland, OH.