What's Good with Childcare
What's Good Ohio?!May 09, 202400:36:2433.34 MB

What's Good with Childcare

This week, hosts James Hayes and Sarah Rodenberg are joined by Tarrezz Thompson, who runs Linique Childcare in Columbus, and Tami Lunan, Care Economy Organizing Project Director from the Care Economy Organizing Project, part of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative.

Tarrezz and Tami invited everyone to join 2024’s Day Without Childcare on Monday, May 13th, at the Statehouse in Columbus. Childcare providers, with the support of the families they serve, are shutting their doors, some are calling out sick or closing down early, and all of us are standing in solidarity to draw attention to the national crisis that our childcare system is in. You can RSVP here.

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What’s Good with Policy Matters Ohio?

Read Policy Matters Ohio’s recent report on Ohio’s childcare crisis.

Read testimony from Molly Bryden supporting a bill to expand community solar in Ohio!